All Jan Massijs 's Paintings
The Painting Names Are Sorted From A to Z

Choice ID Image  Paintings (From A to Z)       Details 
81231 David and Bathsheba  David and Bathsheba   Date 1562(1562) Medium Oil on canvas Dimensions Height: 1.62 m (1.8 yd). Width: 1.97 m (2.2 yd). cjr
89289 Flora  Flora   1559(1559) Medium Oil on wood cyf
82506 Lot and His Daughters  Lot and His Daughters   1565 Oil on oak, 148 x 204,5 cm cjr
85961 Lot and His Daughters  Lot and His Daughters   1565(1565) Medium Oil on oak cyf
88854 The Holy Family  The Holy Family   1563(1563) Medium Oil on wood Dimensions 118.5 x 91.5 cm (46.7 x 36 in) cyf
91754 Venus Cythereia  Venus Cythereia   1561(1561) Medium oil on panel Dimensions 133 X 156 cm (52.4 X 61.4 in) cjr

Jan Massijs
painted David and Bathsheba in 1562

China Oil Painting Studio Team